Monday, February 7, 2011

Industry Watch: Ron Coombes chats about White Tiger's New Discovery @ Gold Project in Ontario

January 24th, 2011: Ron Coombes, President and CEO of White Tiger Mining Corp, visits Al @ the Cambridge House
Investment conference in Vancouver BC and talks about some new discoveries and intersections from their latest
drilling programs on their Marshall Lake Gold Project.

To read full press release with drill results visit:

Interview Transcript:

Al: Hey I'm Al Korelin thanks so much for joining me. We are recording this video, you're looking at the wrong camera
Ronnie. We need to look at this camera because if you look at that camera you look funny. We're recording this video,
little levity here to start this very long day, recording this video here in Vancouver, British Columbia at the Cambridge
House Investment Conference. Great show, Joe Martin and the crew do a really really good job on this. They have
been doing this for probably close to twenty years now, maybe even a little longer and Big Al's been speaking at these
show's for almost that full length of time. It's a great place for us to come up now and Cory, Carter and I shoot videos
up here. We are chatting right now, shooting a video with a good friend of mine Ronnie Coombes. Ronnie is the
president of a company called White Tiger Resources. White Tiger has a major property in Ontario and I wanna
say they are a sponsor on our website so you know I'm highly, highly biased. Mr. Coombes, thanks for taking some
time buddy this early in the morning. It's nice of you to show up.

Ron: Al, it's a pleasure being here. You know this resources, Cambridge House showing here this year's really well attended.

Al: Ten thousand people, amazing amount of people. We shot a video with you, I guess it was about three months ago.
Let's do a little bit of an update. You guys have done a fair amount of drilling on your property up in Ontario. what's going
on up there?

Ron: Well we were quite lucky you know, Al. We have just finished the phase one program. We've drilled a brand new
discovery. It's just off of highway eleven in Ontario. So locations great. We're about eighteen or twenty kilometres away
from the railway, and as I said, we've got this brand new discovery that's twenty to sixty meters of true thickness from
surface, and it's one of those stories that's going to develop into something major I think.

Al: When you talk about developing into something major, and here's a forward-looking statement so you gotta realize
it for what it is; What do you mean?

Ron: The property historically, I will start from the all stars that have been on the ground on this property because there
have been some all-stars; Pat Sheridan, and Norm Kievel senior from Tech Hughes Group, Billeton… And it goes on and
on and on. The list is almost endless but, the unique thing is that none of them ever actually held all the ground together
under one umbrella. For the very first time now all the property has been put under one ownership and White Tiger,
fortunately, we've been very fortunate, in that we were able to take all of that data and put it into the data compilation.
Bob Middleton whose our geologist, he's been around forebears you know. He's been involved in a number of very
successful plays in Ontario in the past right. He made a brand new discovery in two thousand eight. We've taken that
data, we've completed some geophysics on surface and our first round of drilling, hole after hole, was successful in
delineating what's now a new discovery called the RM zone.

Al: Any idea in terms of the scope of that particular zone, the size?

Ron: We're right now phase two which we're going to embark on after this next placement's been completed next
week. We're going to be starting a five thousand meters drill program. Size wise… you know, twenty to sixty meters.
It's open in all directions. We've got about another two hundred fifty-three hundred meters to another known occurrence.
From there we've got pretty good geophysical anomaly heading to the south so we've got about another's six-seven
hundred meters of potential strike length on just this one showing and it's one of numerous showings on the property.
Tonnage wise, five to twenty million tons potentially I believe.

Al: You know we did an interview with Ron that aired on the radio the weekend of the twenty-ninth of January just
prior to the release of this video, and Ron was talking there specifically about what was going on in the property.
We do archive those videos, I'm sorry the radio, so you really need to check out what Ron had to say there.
Now Ron, basically you brought up three things when we were talking on the air. One of them was, we talked about
management. You're very, not management, your technical staff, you're very, very comfortable there with those people.
In terms of capital, you got plenty if I'm not mistaken. With the private placement closing right now that's gonna carry
for how long?

Ron: This next placement that's underway right now will carry us through this entire next program. We believe that
if this program is successful as we think it's going to be, we believe the continuity's been very good on this new showing...
So we should be able to have enough tonnage at the end of this program to possibly go right into a pre-feasibility right at
the end of this next program.

Al: That's a possibility okay. In terms of the asset itself, as you said, there've been a lot of all-stars on that property in the
past. You guys pretty much have all the data together so you're comfortable that it is a strong asset.

Ron: Yes. There are some historical resources on the property already that require us to go back and do some further
drilling to bring it into N.I. 43-101 compliance but you know, that's grading almost one percent copper, fifty grams silver,
three percent zinc. A little more a million tons in the one spot on the property and there's about ten or twelve showings
on the property right now that could yield some tonnage. This property really looks like a Neranda further to the east and
if that actually occurs I think there were thirty-one deposits on that property.

Al: Wow.

Ron: Yeah, It really is quite fantastic.

Al: So the skies the limit. We are looking forward to a strong news flow from White Tiger for the remainder of two thousand
eleven. Couple things I need to say. I'm about ready to buy some stock in this company and I always tell you guys
that before I do it because you know you want to know what I'm doing so to speak. Now also, I want to say that White Tiger
is a sponsor on the website so that means you can click on their banner and get all the information you want about the
company, and lastly don't construe this as investment advice because it is not. All Ron and I are doing is telling you what
we personally are doing. We're not suggesting that you do that unless you make your own decision based on your own
research. Mr. Coombes, always a pleasure. Thank you very much.

Ron: Great! Thank you very much Al.

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