Friday, February 11, 2011

Industry Watch: Exclusive interview with CEO of Caza Gold about previously unexplored gold deposit in Mexico

Jan 25th, 2011: CEO of Caza Gold, Greg Myers talks about Caza Gold’s unique projects in Nicaragua and Mexico, including previously unexplored gold deposits on lad that had been local family owned for over 100-years.

Caza Gold Corp. (TSX.V: CZY; CZ6: FSE) is a new gold resource company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing prospective gold mining properties in Mexico and Nicaragua. Our goal is to create shareholder value by discovering and acquiring gold deposits that have the potential to become large tonnage or high-grade gold mines. Caza currently holds two attractive gold exploration projects in Mexico and Nicaragua, and plans additional key acquisitions.

Interview Transcript:

Al: Hey I’m Al Korelin, thanks very much for joining me. We have spent the last couple days up here in Vancouver, British Colombia. We were shooting video at the Cambridge House investment conference Sunday and Monday, and we are in our studios today updating you on a couple of our sponsor companies, one of the companies being Caza Gold. Caza Gold is run by a PhD Geologist by the name of Greg Myers. Greg is a really really good guy. This company is active in both Nicaragua and Mexico. I have to tell you something in the interest of full disclosure: Big Al did buy stock in this company a while back. It was actually on the initial public offering, and I’m very very glad I did, so for gosh sakes don’t construe this as investment advice because it’s not- I’m just telling you what I have done in the past. This is a company that is a sponsor on our website, if you want more information, click on their banner. It’s a really interesting situation, Greg. We talked on the air, in terms of radio, about what’s going on with Caza in Nicaragua and Mexico over the weekend. Do us a favor if you would and give an overview of the company, talking about your assets in both those countries.

Greg: Ok, well we’ve just become public in the last few weeks, and we have two projects we’ll be pursuing in Mexico, with the drilling program starting next month. That project is the Santiago project- a series of high grade veins that we’ll be testing and extending as much as possible. It’s been in the same family for 100 years, never had any exploration, so it’s a unique opportunity.

Al: What did the family do with that for 100 years?

Greg: Well, they did small workings on the high-grade veins, and they’d go in and mine a little gold when they got hungry. They’re small little adits, 25 metres is a deep one, so it was kind of a nice little operation for them.

Al: How did you find that?

Greg: Well it was a former X-men property. They had acquired it, but had never done any work, so it was a chance for us to get in and do something with this family and try and work something out with them.

Al: Now if I’m not mistaken, the work so far has been basically surface sampling and you’re going to go in with some rigs, is that right?

Greg: That’s right. We’ve been surface sampling- we’ve got a couple of crews down there right now and they have been for two months and we’re going to start drilling probably around the end of February. Right now we’re building drill roads to get into the area.

Al: Let’s go south a little bit to Nicaragua. How did you guys get interested down there?

Greg: I have a friend that I’ve worked with for 25 years- he worked for me at Phelps Dodge and a couple other areas, and he came to me at the beginning of December and said that he had just identified a very interesting target that I should take a look at. So I hopped on a plane, flew down and looked, and I got out to the property with some maps and- you know how you have an 8.5’ by 11’ page and you say ‘oh, I’ll walk around here’ and I stood there and looked at the mountain we had to climb and was amazed at what I saw. It was just absolutely huge. So we started hiking, and every rock we looked at was altered, and every rock we looked at had interesting potential mineralization to it. After 4 hours of hiking I realized I was only about a quarter of the way into the target area so I realized I had a tiger by the tail. So that’s how we got into it. I immediately knew it was something we had to acquire, so I talked with my friend and his associates and we were able to come to terms.

Al: And strike a deal, so to speak.

Greg: Yeah.

Al: What exactly are you guys doing down there right now?

Greg: We have several geologists on site doing surface mapping and sampling trying to further define the geochemical anomaly. Previous sampling- there had been about 2,000 samples taken in the past and they were only on ridge tops, so it was a limited sampling array that we had. We tried to expand that, and that’s what we’re doing now.

Al: Now if I’m not mistaken, chatting with you over the weekend at the show, you were saying that in terms of your efforts, you’re not focusing necessarily in Nicaragua or Mexico, you’re working both areas concurrently.

Greg: That’s right. We have 3 separate projects operating at the same time right now. 2 in Mexico, and (one in) Nicaragua.

Al: If I were to ask you ‘what do you plan specifically to do for the remainder of 2011?’ which is damn near a year at this point- it’s basically exploration work, correct?

Greg: That’s right. We’ll be drilling all 3 projects in the course of the year, and a lot of surface work on all 3 as well. So really defining targets, make sure we’re drilling the right ones, and then making sure we drill.

Al: How’d you get involved with Caza Gold? Brad Cooke is an old friend of mine, and I know he only brings really qualified people to the team. Now I know that you’re really qualified, but how did you guys get together?

Greg: I had a friend that introduced us about a year ago. I knew that they had an opportunity and Brad talked to me about coming on and helping with Caza- it had been sitting private for a while. He said ‘why don’t you come in and help us go public?’ It looked like an interesting opportunity- I looked at the projects and thought ‘these have some potential,’ we went out and looked at the projects in the field and there was a lot more to it than what it looked like on paper so I got excited. The rest is history- we hit it off very well, I really like working with Brad-

Al: The whole team are really good guys.

Greg: Yeah.

Al: I’ve known him (Brad) for over 20 years- he’s a really good guy.

Greg: It’s nice. They have a strong set of ethics, and I like working for people like that.

Al: Sure- me too. Caza Gold- take a look at it. If you want more information, click on the banner on our website. Let me say again, Big Al is highly biased in this situation. We have bought stock in the company, we’re glad that we did. Remember that I’m not a registered Investment Advisor, so don’t construe this as being investment advice because I’m not telling you to buy anything or sell anything. I’m telling you that this is an opportunity that I seized upon- if you want to examine it take a look and see if you don’t agree with me- just click on their banner. Greg, always a pleasure buddy.

Greg: Great, thank you.

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